
05 Apr 2005 V-speeds

Here are some V speeds that I snagged from somewhere on the internet:

V1 | Take-off decision speed
V2 | Take-off safety speed (minimum)
Va | Design maneuvering speed
Vb | Design speed for maximum gust
Vc | Design Cruising speed
Vd | Design Diving speed
Vdf/Mdf | Demonstrated Flight diving speed
Vf | Design Flap speed
Vfc/Mfc | Maximum speed for stability Characteristics
Vfe | Maximum Flap Extended speed
Vfo | Maximum Flap Operating speed
Vh | Maximum speed in level flight with maximum continuous power
Vle | Maximum Landing gear Extended speed
Vlo | Maximum Landing gear Operating speed
Vlof | Liftoff speed
Vmc | Minimum Control speed
Vmca | Air Minimum Control speed
Vmcg | Ground Minimum Control speed
Vmo/Mmo | Mach, Maximum Operating limit speed
Vmu | Minimum Unstick speed (liftoff)
Vne | Never Exceed speed
Vno | Maximum structural cruising speed
Vpw | Pilot Window open speed
Vr | Rotation speed
Vref | Reference speed
Vs | Stalling speed
Vs1 | Stalling speed in a specified configuration
Vso | Stalling speed in the landing configuration
Vsse | Safe Single-Engine speed (render an engine inop)
Vtos | Take-Off Safety speed
Vtoss | Take-Off Safety speed category “A” rotorcraft
Vww | Windshield Wiper operating speed
Vx | Best angle of climb speed
Vxse | Best angle of climb speed, Single Engine
Vy | Best rate of climb speed
Vyse | Best rate of climb speed, Single Engine

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