Fuel Pumps, Fuel filters

09 May 2005 Fuel Pumps, Fuel filters

The fuel system on the eggenfellner is all-electric, so there needs to be full redundancy on the fuel tank, pre-filter, fuel pump, and post filter. Here is the first go at how I hope to do it:


From left to right we have the two pumps and the two pre-filters from Aeromotive. Here is the data blurb from their website:

P/N 12304
Billet, in-line housing with -10 AN ports and hi-flow 100-micron (coarse) cleanable, stainless steel element. Recommended before fuel pump. 5″ long X 2″ diameter. Flows 2,000 lb/hr with a pressure drop of less than 0.5 PSI.

Here is a pressure drop graph:


Note the very low pressure drops.

The final filter there is one of the post-filters. There will be two, and I have more on order. These are kind of basic auto filters, but since the fuel will be under pressure at this point, there is little risk of vapor lock.

This assembly will be plumbed, and mounted to the firewall. I will also have a cover over it, and there will be a SCEET tube running from under the left radiator directly to the pumps and filters, keeping them very cool.

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